News Feed, Quick Summary of what's going on
Video: The Spanish community in Bulgaria
The diversity of our international community in coworking is proved by this video, filmed at Rakovska. It tells the viewer the story of one of our members from Spain and his life in Bulgaria. Watch the full video here.

May 12, 2021
Video: Foreigners in Sofia (BTV)
Guiseppe Di Benedetto tells his story on how he chose Bulgaria to be his next home. His struggle to adapt here as a foreigner has made him create the most successful among foreigners group, Foreigners in Sofia & Friends.

Jan 31, 2020
Video: Our member Monety teaches kids financial literacy (Nova)
The member start-up changes the industry of education by introducing family games that teach kids and parents the basics of financial success.

Nov 24, 2021
Video: What is behind the secret sign from TikTok that saved a kidnapped girl in Canada (BTV)
A motorbiker saw a girl, making a sign with her hands, from the back seat of the car in front of him. He recognized the sign from TikTok and immediately knew that the girl is in danger.

Nov 9, 2021
Video: History of our Botev Location
БНТ 2 captured the history of our Botev location, the house of Kanazirevi. The video is in Bulgarian and includes English subtitles.

Nov 5, 2021
#Pitch2Pitch 2 vol. 3
The third volume of season 2 of #Pitch2Pitch is here! This month's theme is "Something sweet, something healthy, and something eco-friendly". Read more to find out which startups competed this month!
Oct 11, 2021
#Pitch2Pitch 2 vol. 1
You didn't think we'd end #Pitch2Pitch for real, right?
The second season is here! A new set of brand new innovative startups are on the rise and we don't plan on missing out on them.
The theme of the first volume of the second season is gaming! Click the link to read more.
Oct 11, 2020
Our new business model
It's amazing how fast our team and business has recuperated from the pandemic.
We are extremely happy to share with people the opening of a fourth location in Sofia!
Jan 15, 2021
Coworking in Kanazirev's house
With more than a year since it's opening, Networking Botev has become our favorite renaissance building in Sofia.
Read more to find out more about its history and how it came to become what it is today.
Dec 15, 2020
#Pitch2Pitch vol. 12 GRAND Finale
The finale of the season - incredible startups, incredible ideas and projects.
A worthy finale, we would say.
Thanks to Innovation Capital, the winner was able to receive an investment of €50,000.
Sep 11, 2020
Coworking vs. COVID-19: Spaces In Sofia See A Drop In Memberships But Expect A Post-Emergency Increase In Popularity
More than two million people around the world have worked from coworking spaces in 2019, a number about 100 times higher than the 21, 000 in 2010, says a report by Statista. Before the coronavirus outbreak, the coworking experience was steadily on the rise worldwide not only for freelancers and startups but in some cases even for investors and larger companies looking to become a part of an innovative community. The Bulgarian capital city Sofia has not been an exception – ranked 19th in the 2019 edition of the European Coworking Hotspot Index by Cushman & Wakefield and having over 40 locations open doors in the past few years.
Apr 14, 2020
Coworking spaces-the foundation in the new social house
People developing the shared workspace business were definitely harmed during the pandemic.
But we wholeheartedly believed and continued to invest even more and create new spaces, because we are convinced that this business model of flexible offices will be among the cornerstones of this new social house that we will create after the pandemic.
Our founder, Emil Shekerdzhiiski, talks more about the topic.
July 21, 2020
How to stay focused in uncertain times
Even under quarantine, we continued to work hard and come up with new ideas about optimizing the offices for our members. And because our work is what drives us forward in life, we decided to start a 3 part blog series to help you get back to the office after a chaotic break and kick-start your work routine.
For the first part, we introduce you to Ana Zdravkova, founder of Grantive Company - a brand for the development and management of public funding projects.
June 15, 2020
Private office for 40 people with 15 Seats. Possible?
The mentioned option in the title is a new trend only available in flexible shared offices such as Networking Premium.
The company receives a big enough private office for part of the team along with extended meeting room credits and use of the big conference rooms once a week for the entire company.
The offer by Networking Premium starts from 89lv per member.
June 22, 2020
Expanding the space
We have used the time of COVID-19 to build, to expand, and to create new beautiful spaces for you and our community, this by the backwind and fully believing that our business will survive and act as a savior in the times of recovery.
This is one of the few new projects we have started, all finished and ready to use.

June 1, 2020
#PITCH2PITCH | vol.8
We are extremely happy to announce that the winners of this edition are Meteo.Rocks. They are the creators of a network of automated weather stations in Bulgaria.
Mar 11, 2020
#PITCH2PITCH | vol.3
The monthly pitching event winner was AMPECO, a Bulgarian startup developing software as a service solution for the shared vehicles environment.

Jul 29, 2019
Coworking spaces: 7 new spaces in Sofia
Using coworking space does not mean being out of space at all. Shared office spaces continue to connect modern urban nomads. Whether you are a freelancer, entrepreneur, or city nomad, take a look at the Go Guide topographic coworking map. Apartment with a pleasant aristocratic spirit, loft with an industrial design, or other interior Mecca - this is the moment to discover your new place.
Sep 13, 2019
#PITCH2PITCH | vol.5
The monthly pitching event winner was Crime Spy Team, who created a tool that detects crimes captured by surveillance cameras using artificial intelligence.

Jul 29, 2019
We were glad to support our friend, our champion, the race car driver Ivan Latinov at the social volunteer event Писта София 2019 - Да опазим бъдещето ни!.
The event took place on Saturday and Sunday the 18-19.8.19. Ivan took place in 3 different races of 20 minutes and performed very well on the last final race reaching the 4th place.

Aug 19, 2019
Sharing is a concern! This is the corporate mantra of the modern working sapiens. Shared office spaces continue to connect urban nomads in the city's increasingly dynamic galaxy. The social network includes freelancers, entrepreneurs, and all kinds of fans, and the corporate landscape is evolving daily. To be on time, check out the coworking card of GO GUIDE and the perfect interior of your desire to work.
Sep 15, 2020
Spotted, Alex Manchev, having his newest photoshoot at one of the locations of Networking Premium. Who is this beauty?

Aug 12, 2019
Blockchain Developers Meetup birthday's one year anniversary!
A birthday party with balloons, beer, and pizza. We had fun, we discussed and we did a bit of networking. But then again what better place than Networking Premium?

Jul 31, 2019
Networking Premium Coworking Spaces have gathered a group of local and foreign experts to confront, divided into pro and against] the new Blockchain protocol: Libra.

Jul 3, 2019
Tupperware Event
Tupperware, a well-known company for their light, unbreakable storage containers had over 120 people for their gathering at Networking Premium.

Jun 26, 2019
#PITCH2PITCH | vol.1
The first pitching event was conducted this June and the winner was Voccess, lead by Elitsa Kostova, a "Carreroscop", B2C app for career orientation based on psychological analysis.

Jun 24, 2019
48hr Hackathon and Drone party event, organized by Networking Premium Coworking was successfully completed with 1,000 packages delivered by 100 drones in the virtual city of Sofia.
The winning team: "Riders of the Chain"
lead by Nikolay Angelov.
Special guest: Solomon Passi

April 21, 2019
NetWorking: The revolutionary Coworking in Sofia, Bulgaria
Not so long ago Networking came with the proposal of a Premium Coworking Space and believe me, these guys are bringing the game of co-working to another level!
This place is every freelance/self-employed/start-up dream: their project will include a jacuzzi, sofas, TVs, PlayStation, piano, guitars, and much more. You will feel more at home there than in any other place.
Dec 22, 2018
Video: The revolution of coworking spaces (Nova)
Trifon Mihaylov talks about the perks of working in a co-working space.
Filmed at Networking Premium Rakovska.

Dec 2, 2021
Video: Doing business in Emerging Markets
Emil Shekerdzhiiski and Rusko Rusev share their experience with the Emerging Markets audience on setting up businesses in a new environment.

May 05, 2020
Video: Virtual offices; interview with NP Founder Emil (BNT)
Would you like to find out how to do business in a virtual office? Check out the BNT interview with our founder Emil and the members of Networking Premium coworking spaces.

Apr 1, 2020
Video: Office of the Future (BNT)
How does the office of the future look like and why would some people choose to rent an office space for a day or even three hours?

Oct 9, 2019
#Pitch2Pitch 2 vol. 4
The fouth volume of season 2 of #Pitch2Pitch was on the 11th of November. Read more to find out more about the startups competed this month!
Nov 11, 2021
eCollect Welcoming Party
On the 15th of October, we welcomed eCollect, the fintech company, to their very first location in Sofia.
Oct 16, 2021
How to initiate your business plan
Delinx is a software development and outsourcing company started by two colleagues Dimitar Petrov and Lubomir Georgiev.
You know what they say - "Friends that program together, stay together!"
Feb 2, 2021
Money isn't just a kid's game, is it?
Monety is a fintech startup, focused on teaching children aged over 7 years to learn how to operate with money and be conscious about their finances.
Dec 22, 2020
From nomad to community manager
Finn Bergmann is a nomad that found himself in Plovdiv in the right place and right time.
His philosophy is traveling around the world, exploring and delving into new cultures and cuisine. He is also our community manager at Networking Plovdiv.
Sep 11, 2020
One direction,
many opportunities
Enigma Holdings, our mother company, has received a grant under the procedure BG16RFOP002-2.073 "Support to micro and small enterprises for overcoming the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic" under the Operational Program "Innovation and Competitiveness" (OPIC) 2014-2020. The financing is under the project "Overcoming the lack of funds and the lack of liquidity, which occurred as a result of the epidemic outbreak of COVID-19".
The procedure is implemented with the financial support of the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.
June 27, 2020
#Pitch2Pitch vol. 11
Yet again this month's edition had some really great startups that pitched on stage.
As the last event for this season, we decided to separate the prize of 10K between two startups!
Aug 11, 2020
#Pitch2pitch vol. 10
This month's theme was FinTech. We had some amazing startups pitching their ideas.
Complying with recent regulations for COVID-19, this time around we did a hybrid event, combining zoom and live video on Facebook.
If you missed it, you can go check it out now!
July 11, 2020
From corporate to a coworking office
A short interview with Dobrinka Boeva, a technical writer for VMWare and part of Networking Premium's community.

Feb 27, 2020
#Pitch2Pitch vol.9
This edition of #Pitch2Pitch we gladly opened with an astonishing performance of magic revelations soprano opera singer Dilyana Georgieva backed by the famous bagpipes of Svetlio Zhilev. 5+1 startups presented in front of the jury of 5. The winner was hype software.

June 11, 2020
In the Networking Premium network
Growing up as an entrepreneur and business angel in Israel, Emil Shekerdzhiiski created a stylish shared space in the center of Sofia with the idea to pass on his experience to the Bulgarian startup ecosystem.
Apr 3, 2020
Networking Premium opens its fifth location in Plovdiv
The Networking Premium chain will provide an opportunity for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to work together in the largest shared workspace, which will open this spring in Plovdiv. Coworking is a modern way of working in which people developing in different fields share their daily lives and exchange experiences. In the spirit of the emblematic Plovdiv district "Kapana", the creators and designers of Networking Premium will transform one of the central buildings opposite the Halls of the "Main" in the heart of the city.
Mar 6, 2020
Shared offices in Kanazirev's house
The owners of Networking Premium restored architectural jewelry and breathed new life into it.
People with different businesses together, like a family, help young entrepreneurs.
Dec 15, 2019
Forever Living Product
Forever Living Product, a company of all aloe vera products, had their motivational event at Networking Premium

Jun 9, 2019
#PITCH2PITCH | vol.7
The winner of the event was Urban Aquaponics. They introduce a new type of agriculture in the urban environment of Sofia.

Feb 11, 2020
Amateur's exhibition
Don't be fooled by the title, the paintings are amazing. The author, Ludmila Jivkova, talks about how she has come up with the name of her exhibition ('Emotionally').
"Everything I paint and draw is with passion and emotion. It's my first ever exhibition, so it seemed right as a name."
We can't wait to see what she does next.

Aug 15, 2019
Networking Coworking hosted the launch event in Sofia,Bulgaria of the new line of the brand new Samsung Note 10/10+ phones.

Aug 8, 2019
Lynx Innovations |, An Israeli startup developing a biometric verified physical stamp device.

Aug 6, 2019
#PITCH2PITCH | vol.2
The monthly pitching event winner was, a Bulgarian startup developing an AI-based solution chatbot, specializing in smart cities.

Jul 29, 2019
A European Union is incentivizing young travelers and organization leading an event at Networking Premium Coworking: Rakovska focused on the freedom of travel

Jul 10, 2019
From nomad to community manager
"I had to make a decision - to study or not. And I want to study, but I don't want to stay in one place for the next 3 years, I'd go crazy. That's the reason I became a nomad."

Jun 14, 2019
Networking Sofia: The Google Alike Office Environment for Freelancers
Sleeping capsules, hanging gardens, paintings, a huge old piano – this space has a rather untraditional atmosphere for the domestic co-working market. Networking Sofia is one of the newest coworking spaces in the Bulgarian capital. It was launched seven months ago when the founder Emil Shekerdzhiiski decided to expand the existing premium co-working chain based in the downtown area of Tel-Aviv. Today, Networking is about to launch two new locations in Sofia and a co-living line.
May 14, 2019
Alex Manchev, an appreciated artist especially known for his nude art signature photography has revealed his masterpieces at an invite-only private event.

May 17, 2019